Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
At Michigan Heart Group, we understand that you may have questions about your health status and symptoms, as well as diagnostic tests and medical procedures. This section is designed to help you find the answers you need. Simply choose the question that applies to you, and click on the link to obtain essential information and guidance.
Do you need a stress test?
Are you looking for a second opinion for your heart problem?
Do you need an echocardiogram?
Did someone tell you that your stress test was abnormal?
Do you need a cardiac catheterization?
Do you have CHF and want to discuss other treatment options with an expert?
Have you had bypass surgery and need an expert in treating CAD?
Do you have a pacemaker or defibrillator and need someone to check it?
Do you have a rapid heart rhythm and/or have you passed out?
Do you have atrial fibrillation and want to know all the treatment options?
Do you have sore legs when you walk?
Do you have carotid disease and want to know what options are available?
Do you have valvular heart disease and need some guidance?
Do you have venous insufficiency and/or need a vein ablation?
Do you have high cholesterol and need a specialist?